kTools for kintone (English version)

In the operation of kintone, and the development and management of applications, we have compiled useful functions into a single toolbox (distributed as an application template).

In the past, if you wanted to change the settings of an application programmatically, you had to execute JavaScript directly from the console while opening each application. But that was a very difficult and error-prone method for non-engineers.

Therefore, I realized the idea that it would be better to combine functions that are commonly used when managing applications into one application and create a toolbox-like application. The individual features aren’t technically so advanced, and they are only examples that are featured on the developer network. However, by making those functions easily available from the app, ordinary (non-engineer) kintone administrators can now make their daily work more efficient without errors.

▼ Click here to download the kintone App template! (Please note that it is not a plug-in)

“kTools 1.1 beta” をダウンロード

kTools_v1.1beta-.zip – 9113 回のダウンロード – 47.73 KB

Reference Movie(in Japanese)

What you can do with kTools

Currently, kTools has the following four functions.

  1. Copy field
  2. Selection field creation
  3. Change Field Code
  4. Change User Settings

Copy field

A function to copy fields from app to app.
In particular, when setting selection fields (radio buttons, dropdowns, checkboxes, multiple selections), there are often scenes where you want to use the same selection field in multiple apps.

In that case, you can copy the settings of the existing app to another app without changing the settings.

As an advanced version, you can also collect frequently used options as a master in the app and distribute the fields from the master app to other apps.

In fact, the kTools app distributed this time already has several alternative master fields registered. Please use all means!

With the kintone update in August 2019, you can now copy selected fields in app actions. When you take advantage of this feature, you need to match the field settings so that both apps have the same choices.

* If there is no matching option in the copy destination of the app action, the field will not be copied and will be blank (the default value for radio buttons), so be careful. If the number of fields to be copied is large, there is a danger of continuing to use it without noticing that copying was not performed correctly.
With kTools, you can copy fields without typos or omissions.

Selection field creation

When existing business is converted to kintone, or when the data to be selected is created in Excel, etc., setting the kintone option fields one by one by copying and copying is very troublesome.

In this way, if there is already data to be set in the selection field, you can set the field selection at once by simply copying and pasting in the text box area. From a website or Excel sheet, paste the multiple choices separated by a line feed, select the field type, and create a new field with one click.

Change Field Code

Field codes are important when writing calculations in auto-calculated fields or when creating JavaScript customizations. If you want to check the field code with the kintone app, you need to open the field setting screen one by one from the form setting screen.

With kTools, you can get the information of the fields existing in the form with one click by entering the application ID.
In addition, it is possible to update the field names and field codes at once by updating them all at once.

It can be used when setting field codes, and can be used effectively only for checking the current field list.

Change User Settings (process management, app access rights)

It is often the case that a user is specified directly in the process management worker settings and access right settings.

Ideally, using an organization or group (role) would be better in terms of operation, but often it is not. This is fine when creating an application, but when the person in charge changes due to a transfer or retirement, it is necessary to change all the various settings of the application in which the person is set. If you have a large number of running applications, it is difficult to check each one individually, and it is easy for omissions in correction.

This is a function that allows users who have been set for process management and access rights to be changed at once from A to B.


  • kTools is a function that directly changes the settings of the app. There is no function to undo changes, so please check carefully and do it at your own risk. We are not responsible for any damage caused by using kTools.
  • kTools ver.1.0 is a public beta version. Detailed control to prevent misoperation is not implemented yet. Please let me know if there are any problems!
  • To change app settings or add fields, you need administrator privileges for the app.
  • It cannot be used for in-space apps installed in the guest space.
  • Field code change function will cause an update error for apps with tables in the form (will be supported in the next update)

“kTools 1.1 beta” をダウンロード

kTools_v1.1beta-.zip – 9113 回のダウンロード – 47.73 KB



◇ kintone導入がなかなか進まない
◇ アプリが思ったような動きをしてくれない・・・
◇ カスタマイズやプラグインをどう選んだらいいの??
◇ 業務改善の進め方がよくわからない

サイボウズ公認 kintone エバンジェリストの 松田正太郎があなたの相談相手になります。
